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Major League Baseball
Challenge: Major League Baseball needed a firm to lead public outreach and awareness efforts around the 2nd Annual Major League Baseball Diversity Business Summit and its 2014 MLB Civil Rights Game, both held in Houston, TX. Awareness for both events needed to be spread not just locally, but on a state and national level, as well.
ELITE Change: Elite Change leveraged existing relationships with local and national media contacts to help spread public awareness. The EC team also coordinated numerous events around the city to build outreach efforts for MLB. Working with the Houston Astros, EC was able to connect key MLB stakeholders with interested citizens and community leaders.
Result: Through its work, the Elite Change team was able to deliver a significantly higher turnout to both the MLB DBS & CRG than years prior. The team was able to leverage existing community relationships to help create a lasting legacy between Major League Baseball and the city.

Houston METRO
Challenge: Houston METRO is Houston’s main transportation agency that offers area residents several accessible modes of transportation including bus, light rail, rapid transit, and paratransit services. METRO boasts a total annual ridership of more than 80,500,000 and operates more than 100 total routes and lines.ELITE Change: As part of the team, ELITE Change, Inc. worked closely with legislators and community leaders to help advance the interests and services of Houston METRO. In that capacity our team discussed policy details with legislators, helped spread public awareness of METRO’s services, and advocated on behalf of METRO’s interest in the legislature.
Result: As a result of our work together, Houston METRO will continue its trajectory of growth well into the future and is well positioned as it relates to its interests closing out the 85th Texas Regular Legislative Session.

Challenge: Lyft was looking to establish a statewide framework to regulate ride-hailing companies and undo local rules they argue are overly burdensome for their business model.
ELITE Change: ELITE Change, Inc. has a long-standing history with Lyft, helping them to navigate the local legislative process, working with legislators and regulatory agencies across the city in order to achieve the goal of operating in the Houston market. We were able to build on these relationships, working with legislators statewide, in order to advance the interests of Lyft.
Result: After much debate from policymakers on whether cities or the state should be responsible for regulating companies like Lyft, a bill to regulate Lyft statewide passed the Texas Senate. Through its work, the Elite Change team was able to help Lyft develop new relationships statewide and get the company one step closer to statewide regulation.

Stand for Children
Challenge: Stand For Children, a national grassroots organization, was looking to move into Texas – specifically the Houston market – to continue its work advocating for quality for the young children of our country.
ELITE Change:EC was asked to help SFC design and execute a comprehensive public outreach campaign. ELITE Change helped cultivate and manage Stand For Children’s relationships with key stakeholders, as well as effectively look over SFC’s various endorsements.
Result: Stand For Children substantially increased their presence and community awareness of their mission. The “Together But Not Equal” Campaign was a result of the work between EC and SFC and served to highlight and help solve some of the issues that cause disparities in our communities’ public schools. With EC’s consultation, Stand For Children successfully endorsed 3 out of 4 victorious candidates campaigning for public office.

Trinidad & Tobago Prime Minister Race
Challenge: Hon. Dr. Keith Rowley and the People’s National Political Movement Party needed an all-encompassing campaign solution for the Trinidad & Tobago Prime Minister Race.
ELITE Change:Brought on by partner firm Vestige Strategies as part of a team of five consultants, ELITE Change, Inc. was tasked with designing and executing the comprehensive, nation-wide “Get Out The Vote” efforts for Dr. Rowley and the People’s National Movement campaign. The team – made up of consultants from across the United States – proved to be a crucial factor in the campaign’s success in the weeks leading up to Election Day. ELITE helped to design and implement Trinidad & Tobago’s first real time reporting systems for a national election. Additionally, the team implemented a robust analytics driven canvassing program that spanned the entire country. ELITE Change worked to create a longstanding data infrastructure for the People’s National Movement with the use of technological advancements the country had not yet known.
Result: ELITE Change, Inc. helped secure a victory for the Hon. Dr. Keith Rowley and the People’s National Political Movement Party in its successful bid to form the Government of Trinidad & Tobago.

NAACP National Voter Fund (NVF)
Challenge: The NAACP National Voter Fund (NVF) is a national non-profit dedicated to increasing voter turnout in African American communities, engage in issue advocacy and educate voters on candidates’ positions on civil rights. NVF was faced with the challenge of creating a strong online presence and being able to connect with donors in the digital space. Additionally, NVF needed increased capacity and expertise in the creation and implementation of voter mobilization plans in various states.
ELITE Change:The ELITE Change, Inc. team deployed to several states with the goal of establishing voter engagement plans. We successfully executed trainings and accountability measures to increase African American voter turnout in key swing states during the 2008, 2012, and 2016 National elections. Additionally, we executed our digital plan, connecting and engaging in new technology. In the updated digital plan, the EC team sent out numerous targeted e-blasts in the form on fundraising asks, encouraging thousands of people to make a donation to the NVF. We also re-developed the NVF website to provide the campaign with the greatest level of opportunity to raise funds on a national level. By interweaving the new website with the existing Facebook page and Twitter account, the avenues in which people can contribute to the campaign have increased exponentially.
Result: As a result, we have successfully opened an e-channel of communication with voters, established an online fundraising presence, acquired new online voters, and cultivated and re-solicited existing and new online donors.
EC Value: We Fear Complacency And Embrace CHANGE
We think that we are successful because of our ability to innovate. As a team, we think that feeling comfortable is an indication of stagnancy. Change is where we feel comfortable, and where we believe we are at our best. We seek out the opportunity to transform ourselves and our work, not just because we embrace it, but because we believe it makes us better advocates for the needs of our clients.